The core of InnerSource work begins with identifying the areas in your life in which you want to experience more congruence, productivity, balance, and freedom . Anything you want to create more of and move towards in your life, we can develop an action plan to achieve the results you desire. Each session is a unique experience in which you are empowered to lead the process with your choices while I provide various tools we use to create the lasting change you seek.
Each session is tailored to meet your needs. One session may create profound changes or you may want to have several sessions, as beliefs shift and layers are revealed, leading to deeper levels of change and new self awareness. In this work, we are addressing the subconscious mind- this is THE foundation upon which all beliefs and life patterns are built. When beliefs change at the subconscious level, the core foundation changes. The results are amazing!
We begin with a complimentary discovery call to discuss your goals and the modalities and services I offer. Together, we determine what best fits your goals and desired outcomes. I offer individual sessions and transformation packages.
To schedule a discovery call, click on the Contact Me page.
Core Belief Restructuring
PSYCH-K is a set of processes that focus directly on shifting subconscious beliefs that may be creating limits in your personal and professional life. Within the subconscious lies those guiding beliefs and principles that govern your life direction. Many of our beliefs were created as a reaction to a circumstance or event and thus imprinted into the subconscious a specific way of seeing the word that may be limiting or outdated. Consciously, a person may know what they want, however, 95% of our responses come from the subconscious level. Installing supportive subconscious beliefs aligns you to your personal truth and inspires a more meaningful life. My purpose is to assist clients in accessing their internal compass and intuition in order to create the results they desire. The core of PSYCH-K aligns with the principles of Shamanism woven artfully into our modern context as each session supports the individual recovering fragments of Self that may have been misperceived in times of trauma and stress. These “myth-beliefs” are rewritten and a new sense of wholeness is achieved in mind, body, and spirit.
Shamanic Transformation Sessions and Mentoring
In a shamanic transformation session, the journeyer (you) experiences a natural state of expanded consciousness or awareness in order to receive answers to their inquiries. During the process you retain control and volition and access information beyond your conscious knowledge. Journeying can assist you to regain personal power, make inquiries and develop your own intuition, and request assistance for healing on many levels from your spirit helpers. A typical session begins with a short meditation, a journey, post journey writing or drawing, discussion of information revealed and a grounding meditation. We may connect with your ancestral lineage and begin to explore the "medicine" of your ancestors and how you can bring this forth into your life and work. Often the information revealed can be used in subsequent sessions to shift limiting beliefs.
At times, one may want to mark a transition or a sacred opening in their life to something new. Or perhaps there comes a point for letting go of an old way of loving and living. Together, we look at the tapestry of your life and see what is in need of deep soul recognition. With this insight and information, we create a personal ceremony or ritual that you may use to mark this point in your life. This work may be combined with a Shamanic session or can also be offered as a stand alone.
I also offer Shamanic mentoring to clients as they deepen their understanding of themselves and their allies in non-ordinary reality. This work is tailored to meet the client where they are on their spiritual path of evolution and remembering.
Intuition Development and Soul Path Mentoring
Through our work together, you will also learn to connect deeply to your intuition and how you receive intuitive nudges. Learning to live from the heart and soul adds a depth to life's rich tapestry and creates a new way of navigating life from your center.
Accessing your Inner Wisdom (your Innersource) is fun and easy. This is a remembering process, as this intuitive knowledge has always been within you and connects you to everything in the Universe. Remembering your innate wisdom is a simple and profound practice that promotes relaxation, focus, and peace. Learn techniques you can use anywhere, anytime for relaxation, stress relief, and improved focus and well-being. Meditation mentoring can be combined with any other sessions or as a stand alone experience.
Animal Communication
I work energetically with animals both face to face and remotely to promote health and well being. The gift of being able to connect deeply with animals and understand what their struggle may be has given me the opportunity to help families with their challenges with their animal companion. Often we discover, that the human is also in need of healing as their four legged friend has taken on some of the challenging dynamics from their human companion. Please contact me to discuss your animal companion's circumstances and we will create a healing plan for you both.
This ancient energy modality promotes deep relaxation and supports mental, physical and emotional healing. I trained in Traditional Usui Reiki through the Master level from 1997 to 2005. Clients often alternate PSYCH-K sessions with Reiki sessions to promote deep relaxation and to support the subtle shifts they are experiencing in their environment. A session includes intention setting, meditation, and grounding.
Reiki Training
Since 2005, I have offered Traditional Usui Reiki mentorship with Level 1, 2, and Master Level workshops to small groups. Contact me if you would like to learn Reiki.
This foundational rewriting of core beliefs is available in 6 and 12 session packages. A single session is 60 minutes in person which includes a follow up action step for you to complete between sessions. Mentoring in mindfulness and meditation is incorporated when intuitively it feels called for.
To begin to understand the power and depth of subconscious belief change and how it can be utilized in every area of your personal and professional life, this package is a comprehensive catalyst for change.
The intention is set at the beginning of your investment in yourself and the package creates a container for focused, committed change over a period of time. Clients discover that when they have parameters to work within, they begin to notice changes in their day to day as a roadmap begins to unfold as the subconscious recognizes a conscious commitment to change.
Packages are good for six months from time of purchase and can be shared within a family. A package can focus on one overarching intention OR each session can focus on whatever is coming up in the moments/days prior to our session.
Hourly sessions are intentional and focus on PSYCH-K, Shamanic transformation work, ceremony and ritual creation, Reiki and Chakra alignment, and/or medicine walks - the tools work together to create a powerful complement to the belief change process.
To discuss the Gathering Greatness Program, submit an inquiry through the contact me form.