Do you ever feel that you know what you want but no matter how hard you try, the results you get do not reflect the outcomes you had intended? This is an example of an internal conflict between your conscious goals and your subconscious beliefs.
Creating a solid core foundation of expansive beliefs that support the reality you want to experience is integral to a fulfilled and purposeful life. At the core of our work together, we intend to address your foundational beliefs in each session.
Your subconscious beliefs create the limits of what you can achieve. In fact, neuroscientific research has determined that 95% of our behavior is shaped by our subconscious mind and only 5% by our conscious mind. Dieting frequently, yet always putting the weight back on, patterns in relationships that are unresolved even after attempts to do something different, feeling that as hard as you try to be a better employee, friend, teacher, you always believe you aren’t good enough or smart enough - these are examples of conscious actions and subconscious beliefs being out of synch.
Limiting subconscious beliefs create negative results that manifest in ways such as stress, health challenges, anxiety, relationship struggles, feeling unfulfilled in life and work.
Through various change processes or, balances, PSYCH-K creates a receptive, Whole-Brain State that dramatically reduces resistance to change in the subconscious mind. The approach is simple, powerful and very effective. A session focuses on what you are moving toward, rather than what you are moving away from. There is a subtle and powerful difference between "moving toward" and "moving away from" that enhances the experience of ownership and empowerment. To learn more about neuroscience research and the Whole-Brain State, PSYCH-K® Research | PSYCH-K Centre International
The process is a “do with” approach led by you while I facilitate the simple, effective balances. You are awake and conscious throughout the entire change process - this is not hypnosis or talk therapy. In PSYCH-K, you do not need to recall or recount painful memories. PSYCH-K isn’t a technique done on or to someone, which makes it empowering and unique.
As you install new empowering and supportive beliefs during a session, you create new foundations in your relationships, your self-esteem, your physical health, your work life, in any area where you desire change. Often, the new beliefs become evident in your life immediately.
Beyond transforming limiting beliefs, PSYCH-K supports you in designing the life you desire, and beyond that, the process supports you in realizing your full potential as you begin to trust and listen to your intuition. If you can imagine it, you can create it as a reality in your life.
Through PSYCH-K, the outer world becomes a beautiful reflection of the inner world as new empowering subconscious beliefs become the foundation of your life. This new congruence awakens your awareness and potential and supports your alignment with your Path and Purpose.
In this interview, Steve and I discuss transforming fears and anxiety into peace and alignment.
In this interview, Alexe and I discuss how I found PSYCH-K and my passion for this work. It is my first online interview from 2018, and I am excited to share it.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, international speaker, stem cell biologist, and author of the best seller, The Biology of Belief, shares his passion for PSYCH-K®.