"I am so very grateful that we met and have been working together. I love the way you either listen to me go in all these different directions and then help distill it down to a core issue or help me figure out for myself what can be shifted. I feel very blessed to be able to partner with you." ~CA, Indiana
"The PYSCH-K modality of transforming subconscious limiting beliefs has greatly expanded both my inner and outer worlds. Elaine's professionalism and guidance has allowed me to explore deeply embedded beliefs and to easily transmute them to more aligned and healthier behaviors. I have been able to let go of so much that was hindering my daily life. The whole brain approach of PYSCH-K will rewire the operating software that's deep inside of you to enhance your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
I highly recommend working with Elaine if you want to change limiting beliefs and live a life in greater alignment with who you truly are. ~A Grateful Client
"Working with Elaine over the past two years has been a life-changing experience. She’s helped me peel back the layers that traditional therapy would likely never have gotten to. I had previously participated in traditional therapy models with mediocre results. Working with Elaine has accelerated my progress by years… maybe even two or three lifetime’s worth of progress. It’s been an amazing adventure into my spirit… my subconscious… and massive energetic shifts. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything, and I could never thank Elaine enough for standing in the gap as my guide. It’s made me a better father… a better husband… a better business owner and boss… and, heck, a better all-around human. BB (Tennessee)
"Elaine- I write to you standing at the top of a mountain at almost 7000 feet! This could not have been possible without you! and the healing work we did together! This is the first mountain I have been able to climb in over a year and a half! Deep Gratitude and Love". ~April, West Virginia
"Elaine will forever be saved in my phone as “Elaine Energy”. She has a calming aura that seems to fill the room when you’re in her presence. I recently found Elaine on a search to help me work on ME- I knew I needed to devote some time out of my hectic mom life to pause and deeply connect with my inner self. With the hopes that I would also be able to connect with my mother, who passed away in 2002, and heal some stagnant energy that may have been preventing my pregnancy journey from continuing, I am soo glad I was given her number and made an appointment. I recall being a ball of excitement, anxious energy upon walking into our first session. Unsure of what to expect, as my idea of ME time is a HIIT workout or fast paced run. Within moments though, I too became more at ease and in a few sessions, Elaine was able to teach me how to channel the good stuff and say sayonara to the bad. She showed me that if we slow down a bit and open ourselves up to receiving messages from the universe, magic can really happen. With Reiki and ritual work, I was able to connect with my mother on an incredibly powerful level. I am also writing this pregnant in my second trimester and extremely grateful that I paused, made the time to focus and work on ME with Elaine as my guide. Elaine is a gem!" ~ Farryl S. Memphis
“Last year, I had several sessions with Elaine and we focused on recurring patterns in my life that have created power imbalances as well as emotional traumas. Inevitably, the all-so-familiar situation presented itself again and as a result of the new beliefs from the balances, the outcome of the situation was different in a way that was empowering and supportive of my overall well-being. Elaine was super throughout the process! She is a skilled, empathic and intuitive woman and knew exactly how to get to the source of my self-limiting beliefs!” ~ Kim, Memphis, TN
"Thank you SO MUCH for the session and the Shamanic Journey. Both were transformational for me, but specifically I have noticed a true life shift since PSYCH-K. My husband did take me on the blindfold drive and I had 0/10 anxiety to start. Prior to our session I would have been at 10/10 anxiety just thinking about the drive. The highest my anxiety got with the blindfold on was 3/10, and it was primarily related to sounds. I do get overwhelmed by auditory stimulation (and visual stimulation) so that was interesting for me. Again, this is a HUGE success and improvement over where I was before our session. Thank you!" ~ D.I.
"Thank you so much for working with my dog! George has been much more relaxed, settled and even more lovey than before- which I didn't think was possible! He started greeting me at the door with his tail wagging and happy to see me a couple of days ago. I could not believe it! It is the total opposite of how he used to be. Also, he now follows me everywhere around the house and lays down where I am. And, he has started to hang out in our courtyard for over an hour at a time. We created an astro turf area and put up an open fence gate so he could look out but he refused to go out there for some reason. Now he appears to be enjoying it. Lastly, he started to use his doggie door on his own As for myself, I am much less stressed around him and just feel relaxed and settled in general. It doesn't upset me or stress me out anymore when I cannot figure out what he is trying to tell me. I'm also at peace about him not having a yard because I decided to walk him 2x a day. Thank you so much for facilitating!" Kat C.
For many years, I had an issue that has kept me to from being able to move forward in my life in a particular area. Once Elaine and I worked together, I saw the issue in a new way that freed me from over 20 years of stuck grief that I hadn't moved through, even with therapy. PSYCH-K is an incredible process that simply without many words works directly with the subconscious and allows the release of blockages that our conscious mind is unaware of that keeps us from living our lives more freely. i can't speak highly enough about this work. Elaine is so intuitive and gently guides you through the process that brings one to a deeper sense of self awareness. A healing session with Elaine a is ALWAYS a transformational experience. ~Carolyne M, Memphis, TN
When I started working with Elaine, I was desperately trying to heal. I had been on a path towards wholeness for almost a decade and making slow progress. I was trying hard to process the recent losses of my sister, father and mother. The grief was crippling. My marriage was suffering and my soul was withered .I was sleeping and crying daily. It was this overwhelming darkness that led me to Elaine's front door. After six months of regular sessions with Elaine, I suddenly found myself liberated. For the first time since I was a little child I was free. The ways i react now to the things that once triggered me are truly miraculous. I now see behaviors as experiential programs playing out in myself and others. Personally, these programs have almost completely stopped running and have been replaced with reactions and beliefs from presence rather than from past trauma. I move through my day with deep inner peace, wonder and joy— for which I have been searching my entire adult life. I now practice PSYCH-K as maintenance for my own well-being and to reach into my subconscious when I have need for answers. They always come and it is never a painful journey. I’ve realized how amazing our subconscious really is and how much it wants to protect us from harm. ~Pam, Memphis, TN
I've worked with Elaine for several sessions, and the results have been extraordinary. In addition to her energetic and technical skill, her understanding and compassion are remarkable. Though I'd never done a PSYCH-K session before, I immediately felt comfortable with her guidance, and noticed meaningful benefits after the first session, and every one thereafter. I can't recommend Elaine and PSYCH-K enough." -- Sam M, New York
"My facilitator Elaine held the door open so the wisdom and transformation I needed came in even when I thought I already knew why I was there. I went to see Elaine about my six cats that were having territory wars and marking our home by spraying in our house. I thought it was some angry cats that needed help, but it was actually me! I needed to do my own personal work of recognizing healthy boundaries! When we change our patterns, the people (and cats!) around us change. We haven't had a "marking incident" since. Thank you Elaine! ~Jeannie A. Memphis
"Elaine, I just wanted to say thank you again. Absolutely remarkable. I finally got my heart back after 5 years." ~Taylor E.. Memphis, TN
"A year ago I started meeting with Elaine. At the time, my health, life, and dreams were continuing to spin in the wrong direction. Figuring out what to do during a pandemic for money after being laid off, watching my friends spin out into unhealthy trauma cycles, and my own triggers exploding all over the place, left me without an anchor or ability to guide myself. This is where Elaine came in. For over a year, we went deep at every session, pulling out my core misbeliefs about myself and the world. I will be honest, I didn't think anything was happening for a while. That is until I started to notice multiple shifts in my perception of reality, both in my personal and working life. I started to make choices naturally that aided and benefited my life and grew in confidence about what was best for me. I began to be more connected with my body, soul, and eliminated voices from my past stuck in my head. I do not believe my journey is over with Elaine, but going forward I know that I am not the person I was a year ago. Instead of driving other people crazy with my issues, they now come to me for help, and that is proof positive that some major healing has come my way. I'm grateful to Elaine and that everything we worked on, put me in a position to be a better artist, leader, and friend."
~Charlie, Philadelphia
"I reached out to Elaine during a time that I felt very stuck in my thoughts and health and my traditional methods to move forward were simply not working. She came highly recommended to me from multiple health practitioners whom I highly respect so I felt very encouraged to meet her. Within 5 minutes of meeting her I understood fully why she is so highly recommended! After my first session, I was honestly shocked and experienced how truly profound her work is. It seemed so simple but it was exactly the catalyst I was needing to FINALLY push through these areas I felt stuck in my life. She is incredibly intuitive and guided me in the direction of work we needed in each session. Since working with her, I have experienced profound shifts in my life, behaviors, thoughts and health. I am so thankful for her genuine, honest and evidence based approach and I will be referring many of my own clients to work with her and help them in their goals of transformation!" ~Michelle Edwards, Holistic Health and Wellbeing Counselor
"My experience with Elaine was fascinating. With her aid, I was able to discover core limiting beliefs that were long-held since childhood. Ideas around unworthiness and life being a struggle. We not only worked to eradicate those beliefs but set up systems that, to this day, serve my growth and highest purpose! I highly recommend working with Elaine for anyone who has done all the conscious work and still needs to dig into those layers of the subconscious to unearth where the real issues are!" ~ Diana O.
"PSYCH-K is an amazing healing modality. Basically, with these tools, you and your facilitator (Elaine) change your life! She has a gift for this work like no other I have seen. She has the heart felt compassion to facilitate a clients healing. I’ll never forget how much she has helped me and continues to. One of the processes we did was called a Rapport Balance. I have noticed in my work as a Structural Integration Practitioner, I can now communicate more precisely with my clients and understand their communication style better too!" ~ Lucia C. Structural Integration Practitioner
"I am writing to share with you the remarkable and immediate change I have undergone in being introduced to the PSYCH-K process. Over the last couple of weeks my family and I have suffered a couple of hardships. During these times I always know exactly what to do. I called Elaine, Psych-k Facilitator and Reiki Master. She has been my mentor in receiving my Reiki Master and my confidant when life tries to send me a beating. I have taught and used my Reiki experience to clear, enlighten, and soften my life, and the lives of many others but this time I was so filled with not only an overwhelming, emotional gut wrenching, consuming loss in my mind that I truly did not know how I could possibly find my light again. To the point of wanting my Mommy. I lost her years ago. Yes -a 61 year old wanting and missing her Mommy kind of pain. Elaine led me through a basic Psych-K process with patience and support. I must tell you it was simply remarkable. She could see the transformation in my face. I could feel the transformation. I left with an overwhelming feeling of joy, instead of the pain I entered with. She provided tools to take with me that I use everyday along with my Reiki to continue to take charge of my life! What an uplifting experience. If you are going through the darkness life can sometime present, even if you are in a good place I believe working with Elaine and Psych-K can benefit you. I am so ever grateful for this experience. It has opened my eyes again to ME. I must say I am quite marvelous!" ~ Be Grateful, Be Blessed. Dinah T.
"Initially, Elaine was referred to me as a business contact. At our first meeting, she discussed her professional work with PSYCH-K and Shamanism. I was fascinated with the possible uses of PSYCH-K. Prior to a surgery, I reached out to her to balance my brain to promote more rapid healing and pain management. Working with her, made the recovery much easier than previous surgeries. Recently, I experienced a trauma and I turned to Elaine again to assist with rebalancing my brain. Within minutes, I began to experience emotional release. She also took the opportunity to focus on a new moon cleansing ritual. Working with Elaine has supported a variety of life transitional moments. Her work is much needed in today’s world. I would recommend working with her." ~ Mary G, Artist and Photographer