February/March 2025
Traditional Usui Reiki Master Workshop~ Attunement and Apprenticing Yourself to The Medicine
Initiating Into Your Medicine at the Reiki Master Level will be a multi -part learning experience.
Becoming a Reiki Master is a commitment to yourself and others to living as authentically as possible, continuing to do your personal work, and stepping into the role of being able to initiate others into the Traditional Reiki lineage.
Throughout the course of Mastership training we will do several Shamanic journeys, in person and possibly on line depending on student's travel schedules, and there will be reflection writing pieces between meetings.
You will receive a manual and the Master level attunement to heighten your connection to Reiki and there will be several meetings to complete the training.
I’ve designed this workshop with the intention of supporting you in deepening your relationship with yourself and the Divine and we will deep dive into the importance of ritual and ceremony, as well as connection with your spirit helpers in your daily life. We will also delve into our shadow aspects and old stories that are ready to be shed so that you may emerge more fully into your Medicine path.
I began studying traditional Usui Reiki in 1997 in South Africa. This was before there were manuals or articles on the internet about Reiki. I learned from incredible instructors who passed the tradition on to me orally as it was taught traditionally. I was mentored in the Master Level in 2002 by Carolyne Morrison.
This Reiki energy has sustained my continued growth and path of a seeker for over 25 years. I use it often for self care and internal balance. I teach this work from the perspective of self care first, and then how to share it with others both personally and professionally as a complement to your other healing or holistic work.
Please message me through the contact me form with questions and if you would like to pursue Master Level.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
9-5pm ~ Memphis Wellness Collective
Traditional Usui Reiki Level 2 Workshop~ Attunement and Deepening Your Relationship With Your Medicine Offerings
This class will focus on deepening your relationship with your guides, spirit, helpers, and intuition.
You will learn the advanced symbols for deepening your Reiki energy and practice, we will do several intuitive exercises throughout the day, and we open our circle with a shamanic journey so that you can connect to your Guides..
The purpose of these activities is to create a platform for you to build an intentional relationship with the energy of the Divine that can support you in your personal and professional life.
We will also explore the fourfold way. That is the way of the warrior, healer, visionary, and teacher.
You will receive the level two attunement to heighten your connection to Reiki.
We will also practice giving Reiki intuitively.
Even if you have not been actively using your Reiki since you took level one, the energy is still within you and this will take you to a deeper level of self understanding and connection. Often people use Reiki in their personal lives for living in a space of peace and harmony.
The day will be focused on the theme of deep, relaxation, rest, and reset, and how to cultivate that in your daily life.
Please let me know if you have questions and if you'd like to sign up.
I’ve designed this workshop with the intention of supporting you to create and nurture your relationship with yourself and the Divine.
I began studying traditional Usui Reiki in 1997 in South Africa. This was before there were manuals or articles on the internet about Reiki. I learned from incredible instructors who passed the tradition on to me orally as it was taught traditionally. I was mentored in the Master Level in 2002 by Carolyne Morrison.
This Reiki energy has sustained my continued growth and path of a seeker for over 25 years. I use it often for self care and internal balance. I teach this work from the perspective of self care first, and then how to share it with others both personally and professionally as a complement to your other healing or holistic work.
We will break mid day for one hour lunch.
Handouts and Articles are provided.
Sunday, February 18
9-5pm, 1 hour lunch break
one partial scholarship will be available based on need and letter of intent.
8-10 participants
non refundable deposit $75 to hold a spot; balance due two weeks prior to workshop
Please email me at elaine@yourinnersource.com or message me here with questions and if you would like to attend, and if you know someone that may be interested, please share.
Shamanic Journeys have been used in traditional cultures for thousands of years to gain access to deeper levels of insight and wisdom along one's path.
With the use of a sonic driver, in this case, drumming, participants eventer an alternate state and are able to access directly higher states of awareness. In this meditative state, focused on breath and stillness, the Higher Self and creative wisdom is stirred, new information may be revealed and a road map forward is often presented.
In this 2 hour experiential workshop, you will explore your subconscious, with the intention of a declaration of who "I am". When we state I am _____ we are creating a foundation upon which our reality then manifests. What do you claim as your "I am?" Who are you when you are seen and heard in your authenticity?
We will begin with a grounding meditation and breathwork, followed by a guided journey. There is time after the journey for journaling, processing, and group discussion in which participants are invited to share their wisdom and insights if they feel called to do so.
No prior meditation or shamanic journey experience is needed to learn and thrive in this new way.
Your investment: $35. Sliding scale is available and pay it forward is available. Space is limited and pre-registration is encouraged. Contact me for details.
Please email me at elaine@yourinnersource.com or message me here with questions and if you would like to attend, and if you know someone that may be interested, please share!
Traditional Usui Reiki Level 1 Workshop~ Attunement and Learning to integrate Reiki for Relaxation, Health and Self Care and as an Offering to Others
I’m excited to teach Reiki again in Memphis! I began studying traditional Usui Reiki in 1997 in South Africa. This was before there were manuals or articles on the internet about Reiki. I learned from incredible instructors who passed the tradition on to me orally as it was taught traditionally. I was mentored in the Master Level in 2002 by Carolyne Morrison.
This Reiki energy has sustained my continued growth and path of a seeker for over 25 years. I use it often for self care and internal balance. I teach this work from the perspective of self care first, and then how to share it with others both personally and professionally as a complement to your other healing or holistic work.
Topics Covered
Meditation and Grounding to connect with Self and Spirit
The energy body and Chakra system
What is Reiki?
How Reiki Works
Different levels of attunement
5 principles of Reiki
Historical Context of Usui Traditional Reiki
Attunement to the Reiki Energy
How to give Reiki to Your self and Others
Incorporating Reiki into Your Professional Practice
Hands on Practice
We will break mid day for one hour lunch.
Handouts and Articles are provided.
Sunday October 16
9-5pm, 1 hour lunch break
one partial scholarship will be available based on need and letter of intent.
8-10 participants
non refundable deposit $75 to hold a spot; balance due two weeks prior to workshop
Please email me at elaine@yourinnersource.com or message me here with questions and if you would like to attend, and if you know someone that may be interested, please share!
The fiery energy of summer gives way to the cooler nurturing season of Fall on September 22. We welcome the new season with gratitude in circle on Sunday, September 25. This will also be the New Moon for September.
As the days become shorter, we move into a quieter reflective time. Let us embrace this opportunity to restore balance and to bring harmony to our lives and relationships. Allow yourself to be still, be present and find that deep inner inspiration.
In this 2 hour experiential workshop, we move inward- both physically and mentally as our energy shifts from reaping to resting and you'll find the wisdom, riches and inspiration for your next cycle (year) ahead.
Creating intentions for the season ahead is guided by your personal insights and wisdom that arises during our time together. Living with intention offers you a roadmap and focal point as your journey forward.
We open with meditation and breathwork, followed by a guided journey to explore what is in your harvest for the months ahead. There is time after the journey for journaling, processing, and group discussion in which participants are invited to share their wisdom and insights if they feel called to do so.
No prior meditation or shamanic journey experience is needed to learn and thrive in this new way.
Your investment: $35. Sliding scale is available and pay it forward is available. Space is limited and pre-registration is encouraged. Contact me for details.
I have over 25 years experience in various healing modalities and am passionate about supporting people's personal evolution and alignment with their Highest purpose and calling. Read more about me here https://yourinnersource.com/about-me-1
This workshop will be an experiential journey through the subtle energy body and the chakras. Our chakras are subtle energy centers that are conduits for emotions and beliefs. When our subtle energy body and chakras are flowing and open we experience an optimal state of health and well being.
With guided breathwork and meditation, you will have an opportunity for compassion inquiry and deep listening to your body, emotions, and intuition. What messages are hoping to emerge? What have you been saying yes to with your energy, that perhaps it’s time to take a deeper look?
In this 2 hour experiential workshop, you will explore your beliefs and self-perceptions as they are reflected through each chakra. We will begin with a grounding meditation and breathwork, followed by a guided meditation journey through the energy body.. There is time after the meditation for journaling, processing, and group discussion in which participants are invited to share their wisdom and insights if they feel called to do so.
No prior meditation or shamanic journey experience is needed to learn and thrive in this new way.
Your investment: $35. Sliding scale is available and pay it forward is available. Space is limited and pre-registration is encouraged. Contact me for details.
I have over 25 years experience in various healing modalities and am passionate about supporting people's personal evolution and alignment with their Highest purpose and calling. Read more about me here https://yourinnersource.com/about-me-1
Shamanic Journeys have been used in traditional cultures for thousands of years to gain access to deeper levels of insight and wisdom along one's path.
With the use of a sonic driver, in this case, drumming, participants eventer an alternate state and are able to access directly higher states of awareness. In this meditative state, focused on breath and stillness, the Higher Self and creative wisdom is stirred, new information may be revealed and a road map forward is often presented.
In this 2 hour experiential workshop, you will explore your subconscious, focusing on an old story that you are ready to release and transform. We will begin with a grounding meditation and breathwork, followed by a guided journey. There is time after the journey for journaling, processing, and group discussion in which participants are invited to share their wisdom and insights if they feel called to do so.
No prior meditation or shamanic journey experience is needed to learn and thrive in this new way.
Your investment: $35. Sliding scale is available and pay it forward is available. Space is limited and pre-registration is encouraged. Contact me for details.
I have over 25 years experience in various healing modalities and am passionate about supporting people's personal evolution and alignment with their Highest purpose and calling. Read more about me here https://yourinnersource.com/about-me-1
Embrace Stillness. Sounds great in theory. How exactly does that happen in this busy world we live in? We are human BE-ings, not human Do-ings, however, a premium has been placed upon "Doing" and productivity in our Western society. This gathering will give you an opportunity for a reset, and an experience of Be-ing. As we learn to BE in the present and embrace stillness, remarkable changes begin to happen.
Join me at the Memphis Wellness Collective on Sunday, July 17th, to meditate, reflect and journey.
This gathering will include meditation and guided reflection and provide space for your personal reflections to be heard as you give voice and word to your creations. In this space of connectedness, you are seen and heard.
We will do several short meditations and breathwork to drop in to the present moment, then go on a guided journey. The guided journey will be to your Inner Temple to meet with your Higher Self. While embracing the stillness and connection with Higher Self you will be led through a process to understand the next steps on your path of Soul evolution.
No prior meditation or journey experience is needed to learn and thrive in this new way.
Your investment: $35. Sliding scale is available and pay it forward is available. Space is limited and pre-registration is encouraged. Contact me for details.
I have over 25 years experience in various healing modalities and am passionate about supporting people's personal evolution and alignment with their Highest purpose and calling. Read more about me here https://yourinnersource.com/about-me-1
To register click on link below and message me.